Commercial Management(supply)

  • Quantity surveying
  • Estimating, cost planning
  • Tender documentation
  • Bank monitoring
  • Contract management and administration
  • Cost engineering
  • Procurement of contractors
  • Contract advisory services

The safety and health of its people, of local communities and of its partners are a top priority for Pars kayhan.
Pars kayhan conducts its activities in accordance with all international agreements regulations, standards and conventions and all national laws and policies safeguarding the health and safety of workers.
Pars kayhan takes an integrated approach to safeguarding health and safety in accordance with the principles of planning, prevention, protection and continuous improvement, investing all levels of the company with responsibility.
Pars kayhan has developed a comprehensive HSE Management System that meets the requirements of all applicable laws and is certified to international standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
Pars Kayhan’s HSE risk management is based upon the principles of prevention, protection, awareness, promotion and participation. Its aim is to ensure the health and safety of workers and to protect the environment and the public's general welfare.

Pars Kayhan services briefly covers below sections:


• Downstream



• Upstream
o Subsurface
o Drilling & Completion
o Wellhead Surface Facilities


• Fabrication Services



Coming soon...

Pars Kayhan implements its Quality Policy to become a first-class enterprise in the Middle East by providing customers products and services with the best quality.

The satisfaction of customers’ needs is a primary goal for our company, achieved by implementing the principles and methods of operational excellence throughout the life cycle of every project.

A strong focus on the customer, motivation and implication of top management, a process-based approach and on-going improvement are the essential elements of our commitment to quality.

At Pars Kayhan, we are convinced that quality is primarily a matter of attitude; in fact, it is mostly about having the right attitude and constantly striving to achieve stakeholders’ satisfaction. This is achieved through on-going improvement of all processes and activities, striving to achieve mutual benefits with all stakeholders, including vendors and subcontractors, with a view to enhancing the ability of both to create value and meet customers’ expectations.

In all aspects of our work, we operate on the basis of internationally recognized standards, which are implemented in the company through a series of policies, procedures and appropriate best practices embedded in our management systems, including our Quality Management System and Quality Policy.

All these systems and policies are subject to audits, which provide Pars Kayhan management with assurance that effective and efficient processes are in place to ensure that activities aimed at on-going improvement are implemented to satisfy stakeholders’ needs.

Pars Kayhan’s Quality Management System achieved certification of compliance with standard ISO 9001 in the year 2009. Pars Kayhan is also Certified under standard ISO 3834-2:2005 (Quality requirements for manufacturing, installation and in EPC Projects In Oil and Gas PROJECTS).

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