Founded in 1991, Pars Kayhan is a privately held contracting company started by providing Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction Services in fields of Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, and Power.

After 3 decades of adventures with execution of biggest projects in Iran and also international projects abroad, Pars Kayhan has started its activities in upstream section as well.

Pars Kayhan has performed various projects, started by Power plant facilities and followed by Tank farms, pump stations, pipelines, refinery and petrochemical units. We entered to upstream since 2016 by executing 18 wellhead facilities in South Yaran oil field of Iran.

Developing oil fields study, Drilling team and machineries, Pars Kayhan selected as one of Iranian Qualified Exploration and Production (E&P) Company by Oil Ministry.

Today we can take care of every aspect of a project from its initial conceptto techno-economic studies, front-end and detailed design, upgrades andoptimization plans, hazard and risk analysis, procurement, project managementand site supervision. We boast the full set of ISO certifications, a tangible sign that quality and safety are top priorities ineverything we do.

We build long-term relationships with our clients, focusing on bringing everyassignment to a successful completion, on time and to budget. Whether directcontracts, frame agreements, service contracts or EPC, EPCM and PMCcontracts we use QA, HSE, QRA, risk assessment, continuous improvement andsustainability protocols and processes to deliver excellence to our clients.

Pars Kayhan has been awarded Knowhow Grade for innovation and development of engineering solutions in EPC projects.

Nowadays, Pars Kayhan is ambitious to invest on big national projects in Iran and Middle East.



31 Years of Perseverance


1991 Pars Kayhan Establishment

2000 Approaching EPC Projects

2001 Starting EPC Projects in Power Field

2005 Awarding Kermanshah Petrochemical Project

2008 Achieving ISO Certificates for 9001,14001,18001 and IMS

2008 Granting Grade 1 as Construction Contracting Company in Oil and Gas Fields

2012 Launching Activities in Iraq Market

2013 Awarding First Project from Iraq Oil Ministry

2014 Establishing Local Company in Iraq Market

2015 Building Permanent Workshop in Parand Industrial City

2017 Developing Upstream Activities

2018 Granting Grade 1 as EPC Contracting Company in Oil and Gas Fields

2018 Awarding First Upstream EPC Project for Wellhead Facilities

2021 Achieving ISO Certificate for 45001

2021 Granting Knowhow Grade

2022 Granting Exploration and Production (E&P) Grade

2022 Establishing Office in UAE

coming soon...






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We are committed to…
Delivering projects safety, timely, and economical with high quality.
Developing the skills and knowledge of our employees in a friendly and cooperative working environment.
Providing opportunities for the people in the region of project execution to increase their life quality .
To be a socially responsible company which benefits all stakeholders, from company shareholders to employees, from clients to local people.

Pars Kayhan recognizes that construction operations may have a damaging impact upon the environment and therefore ensure that all construction activities are carried out in such a manner as to ensure a high standard of environmental protection and awareness.
Pars Kayhan is committed to the protection and enhancement of the environment. It takes a close and responsible interest in, and considers and respects the physical, economic and social environments on all projects in which it is involved.
An environmental action plan seeking continual improvement is produced on an annual basis setting out specific objectives, targets and implementation steps, with the progress routinely monitored, reviewed and reported to the board of management.
We aim to contribute towards environmental improvement and sustainable development by using best practice and innovation to minimize environmental impacts. Environmental impacts are assessed at every stage of the business process in consultation with organizations working on behalf of Pars Kayhan including designers, contractors etc. to develop agreed solutions that are sympathetic to the environment and community.

Plant a Tree, Green the Earth, Clean the Air, Live Happily
An environmental action plan seeking continual improvement is produced on an annual basis setting out specific objectives, targets and implementation steps, with the progress routinely monitored, reviewed and reported to the board of management.

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