Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals

  • Oil & Gas Facilities
  • Pipelines
  • Terminal & Storage Facilities
  • Treatment plants
  • Gas / condensate and oil production
  • Petrochemical complexes
  • Process plants
  • Health & Safety and  Risk Management

Civil, Building and Structures

  • Foundation and Earthworks design
  • Geotechnical investigations
  • Site evaluation
  • HVAC
  • Structural design in steel, Concrete
  • Structural Survey and Report
  • Refurbishment
  • Fire Protection

Power Generation & Distribution

  • Single & Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
  • Sloe & Medium speed diesel power plant
  • Boiler plant, steam turbine and desalination
  • Auxiliary control, instrumentation and DCS
  • SCADA and communication systems
  • Overhead lines / Cables / substations up to 400kv


  • Potable Water treatment
  • Wastewater collection and treatment
  • Desalination
  • Oily Water treatment

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